1 min read

A Tale of Determination A Thanks Giving Story

Today, I'm reaching out to share a tweet from the insightful @mwebster71 that has left a lasting impression on me. Here are three reasons why this tweet is not just valuable but personally moving:

Lesson in Kindness:
Mike's recount of a kind Naval Academy rep who spared him years of pursuing an unattainable dream emphasizes the profound impact of kindness.

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This resonates with my belief in the transformative power of small acts of kindness and the ripple effect they can have on someone's life.

  1. Turning Setbacks into Opportunities:
    The tweet narrates a story of turning setbacks into opportunities, from a career detour to financial constraints. Mike's resilience in the face of adversity, especially when selling cherished possessions to invest in the market, serves as a powerful reminder that challenges can be stepping stones to success.
  2. Writing Down Goals and Staying Committed:
    The tweet underscores the importance of writing down goals and staying committed to them. Mike's determination to become a portfolio manager for Bill, despite initial discouragement, is a testament to the impact of clearly defined goals and unwavering commitment. This echoes my own philosophy of setting clear objectives and staying the course.

I'm sending this message to two different lists because I believe the insights from Mike's journey are universally relevant, regardless of your background in trading.

To Your Trading Success,

Casey Stubbs

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