1 min read

Exciting Opportunity: Morning Star on Tesla's Weekly Chart 🌟

Exciting Opportunity: Morning Star on Tesla's Weekly Chart 🌟

We've got a Morning Star pattern forming on Tesla's weekly chart, and it's got all the signs of a big buy signal.

Here's the scoop: If Tesla closes up as expected, it could be a game-changer.

But here's the kicker - I've decided to take a slightly different approach this time. Instead of going all-in on Tesla

I'm looking at the TSLL ETF.

Why, you ask? Well, it's simple. TSLL not only gives us exposure to Tesla but also comes at a more budget-friendly price.

Plus, it's designed to deliver 1.5 times the performance.

Check out this video I did on TESLA

To play it safe, I'll be placing a stop just below the Morning Star pattern, ensuring we're protected no matter what the market throws our way.

This could be a fantastic opportunity for us, and I wanted to keep you in the loop.

If you've got any questions or thoughts, feel free to hit me up. Here's to your trading success!

To Your Trading Success,

Casey Stubbs