1 min read

How to avoid stock market chaos

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Gold expert Geof Smith opened my eyes to one of the greatest benefits about gold…

It trades nothing like stocks.

Think about it.

In today's world, most stocks are news-driven, which makes them unpredictable…

Things like earnings reports, new tech releases, buyouts, mergers, viral social media posts by a divisive CEO…

And a hundred other headline-making events outside your control determines a stock’s biggest moves…

Which makes it extremely difficult for you to gain an edge with popular tickers before it’s too late.

But Gold doesn't give you that problem.

The precious metal doesn’t have earnings, a CEO, or a board of directors.

Gold’s not weighed down by new technology or revenue projections.

Instead, Gold has a trading pattern that Geof calls “Acceleration Cycles” and that most people totally overlook…

But he’s isolated them in real time and optimized them for entry and exit to target what could be outsized gains… even from small 1% moves.

Unlike the news, Geof’s research shows these “Acceleration Cycles” are extremely reliable…

Which is how he was able to spot the next cycle that will hit this week.

We can’t guarantee results or against losses, but we will show you these “Acceleration Cycles” if you follow this link.

To your trading success,
Prosperity Pub