2 min read

Introducing the Weekly Call Strategy

Introducing the Weekly Call Strategy

Hey there,

Today, I want to introduce you to a trading strategy that I've been utilizing with great success, and I'm excited to share it with you.

I call it the Weekly Call Strategy, and it's a step-by-step approach to trading options.

Step 1: Selecting the Right Option
Each week, I focus on one trade, specifically, a money call option with an expiration date of at least 6 months out, and sometimes even up to 2 years.

This approach allows me to create a steady stream of potential profits week after week.

Step 2: Identifying Quality Stocks
Quality is key, and I make sure to pick stocks with strong fundamentals and potential for growth.

I analyze the market for companies that fit the bill, and this is where my strategy begins.

Learn My Complete Trading System: On Sale Now.

Step 3: Using the OVI Indicator
One of the essential tools in my arsenal is the OVI (Option Volatility Indicator) - a powerful indicator that provides insights into option activity.

I combine this with candlestick patterns to make informed decisions.

Step 4: Finding the Trend with Consolidation
To enter a trade, I look for stocks exhibiting a clear trend, coupled with consolidation.

This is where the magic happens, as it's a crucial element in my strategy to ensure maximum potential for profit.

I'm thrilled to announce that I'll be documenting this Weekly Call Strategy in detail and sharing the results every week on my podcast.

You'll get an inside look at my thought process, trade selection, and the real-world outcomes.

Trade idea Next Week:

Below is one of the trades I have on my watchlist will be watching for a setup on this.

It's a unique opportunity to learn and grow together as traders.

So, stay tuned for the podcast updates, as I believe this strategy can open up new possibilities for consistent weekly gains.

Make sure you listen to the podcast to get the trades as I take them:

Listen to the How to Trade it Podcast

Wishing you a successful week of trading!

Casey Stubbs

Founder of Trading Strategy Guides