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The Power of Patience in Trading: Making Profits with IWM

The Power of Patience in Trading: Making Profits with IWM

Patience is often hailed as a virtue, but in the realm of trading, it's a game-changing skill.

Learning to harness patience can truly move mountains, and I've experienced this transformation firsthand.

Let me share a recent example from my trading. For the past three months, I've been holding onto a trade, exhibiting patience I hadn't managed to muster in the past.

This trade?

The Russell 2000 Index (IWM).

Starting to breakout IWM on monthly chart

After a period of stagnation, it's finally starting to move, and my patience is paying off.

Where I once might have closed the position early, moving on in search of quicker gains,

I've now learned the value of letting the trade develop over time.

This shift in approach is poised to yield significant returns.

Here's the most astonishing part: this entire strategy requires just 15 minutes of my time each week. Yes, you read that correctly.

By focusing on weekly charts, I've managed to achieve a 299% gain since last October, dedicating no more than 15 minutes a week to trading.


So, what's the takeaway from this experience?

It's simple yet profound: you don't need to be glued to your screen, actively day trading, to make substantial profits.

The key lies in patience, strategy, and the discipline to "let the money come to you" rather than chasing it in a frenzy of fear and impatience.

I hope my journey inspires you to consider how patience can transform your trading strategy and lead to success beyond your expectations.

To Your Trading Success,

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