2 min read

Unpacking Tesla's Earnings Prospects After Price Cuts

Unpacking Tesla's Earnings Prospects After Price Cuts

I wanted to touch base with you about the upcoming Tesla earnings report.

It seems like there's a lot of buzz in the market about the possibility of low earnings due to Tesla's recent price reductions.

However, there are a few factors we should consider before jumping to conclusions.

First, the decision to lower prices might actually work in Tesla's favor. By doing so, they're likely to sell more cars, which could ultimately boost their earnings. What's interesting is that Tesla stands out as the only car company that can lower prices while still maintaining healthy profit margins.

Another often overlooked aspect is their revenue from chargers. This revenue stream is solid and consistent, contributing to their financial health.

Lastly, we should keep in mind that Tesla's semi trucks are hitting the roads. While they might not have an immediate impact on earnings, they signify the company's expanding reach and diversification.

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I'm not suggesting that Tesla's earnings will be outstanding, but I do believe there's a possibility they might surprise on the upside. So, it's essential not to always take everything you read at face value.

Should earnings come in lower and Tesla's stock price takes a dip, it might be a great opportunity for some strategic buying.

Tesla Daily Chart

Keep a close eye on this one. As traders, it's essential to be prepared for all possibilities in the market.

Wishing you profitable trading and successful sermons in the days ahead!

To your trading success,

Casey Stubbs

P.S. If you have been following the release of the golden glitch it the massive price breaks are closing soon.

I have a new alerts service that is on a special price that is expiring soon.
